Wednesday, May 28, 2008


"awe" and "ooooh" "they are sooooooooo cute!" how can you resist puppies? My daughter had an absolute blast having her pictures taken with puppies. Keep your eyes on the blog...we'll be doing a Pet Promotion Soon!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Where has the time gone?

A few fun shots from today.... updates below.

The last couple of months have just FLOWN by..... I didn't realize how busy and hectic things had been.

**** - Seniors NOW is the time to start booking your sessions. Girls you are going to want those "tans" for your pics, your Senior year is busy - do it while you are not so busy this summer! Guys don't let the ladies get a head start on you...get yourself in here too!

**** - BHP will be closed to photo sessions for short time in June. I can still be reached by phone (see website

**** - Still needing models for a special project. Children of all ages and some pre-teen and teen slots still available. The project was originally to be done in June of this year, but will not be able to be completed by June.

**** - SUMMER Children's Promotion - I've been asked by several about offering a summer children's promo - if you are interested please email or call. I'd like to gauge interest - so let me know!!