Thursday, March 26, 2009

Spring Children's Portrait Special

It's officially spring, but it sure doesn't feel like it does it? With the forecast in snow it's hard to think spring when it's so chilly. However, it is that time of year. I've had many parents ask about when I will do spring portraits. I appreciate everyone being pateint. This month has been a bit busy!

Thank you to all of my clients who visited my exhibit at the Stone House. I have heard so many wonderful comments and I really appreciate it. I have the BEST clients and friends!

Well back to the salt mines for early to get the best appointment times. They go fast!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Patrick's Day!

Blarney Stones...anyone have any Blarney Stones? My gosh those sound good. I could eat those any day of the year..not just today. Gosh, now that I've mentioned them I'm going to have to make some. Of course if there is anyone out there that has a fresh batch of them...just say the word and I'm there. I can taste test if needed. I love Blarney Stones.

I guess enough about Blarney Stones...check out these two cutie pa-tooties!

Monday, March 2, 2009


Anytime March 2, 2009 - please re-send. The drive that stores my email folders was not communicating with my email program and when the computer was restarted I lost what came in on March 2, 2009.

My apologies....

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Miss Dylan is 6 months!

I've been a bad girl and I haven't updated my blog. February flew by so fast. Miss Dylan came in today to celebrate her 6 month milestone. Isn't she a cutie?